full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Fred Swaniker: The leaders who ruined Africa, and the generation who can fix it

Unscramble the Blue Letters

My hope is that half of them will become the entrepreneurs that we need, who will create these jobs that we need, and the other half will go into government and the nonprofit sctoer, and they will build the institutions that we need. But they won't just learn academics. They will also lrean how to become leaders, and they will develop their skills as entrepreneurs. So think of this as Africa's Ivy lauege, but instead of getting aeittdmd because of your SAT scores or because of how much money you have or which family you come from, the main criteria for getting into this university will be what is the potential that you have for transforming Africa?

Open Cloze

My hope is that half of them will become the entrepreneurs that we need, who will create these jobs that we need, and the other half will go into government and the nonprofit ______, and they will build the institutions that we need. But they won't just learn academics. They will also _____ how to become leaders, and they will develop their skills as entrepreneurs. So think of this as Africa's Ivy ______, but instead of getting ________ because of your SAT scores or because of how much money you have or which family you come from, the main criteria for getting into this university will be what is the potential that you have for transforming Africa?


  1. learn
  2. league
  3. sector
  4. admitted

Original Text

My hope is that half of them will become the entrepreneurs that we need, who will create these jobs that we need, and the other half will go into government and the nonprofit sector, and they will build the institutions that we need. But they won't just learn academics. They will also learn how to become leaders, and they will develop their skills as entrepreneurs. So think of this as Africa's Ivy League, but instead of getting admitted because of your SAT scores or because of how much money you have or which family you come from, the main criteria for getting into this university will be what is the potential that you have for transforming Africa?

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
good leader 4
nelson mandela 3
south africa 2
high school 2
central bank 2
bank governor 2
african leaders 2
good news 2
fastest growing 2
previous generations 2
create prosperity 2
entire world 2
african leadership 2
leadership academy 2
young leaders 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
central bank governor 2
african leadership academy 2

Important Words

  1. academics
  2. admitted
  3. africa
  4. build
  5. create
  6. criteria
  7. develop
  8. entrepreneurs
  9. family
  10. government
  11. hope
  12. institutions
  13. ivy
  14. jobs
  15. leaders
  16. league
  17. learn
  18. main
  19. money
  20. nonprofit
  21. potential
  22. sat
  23. scores
  24. sector
  25. skills
  26. transforming
  27. university